Home / Other Services / BUFF / buff.163.com / Buff163 / 网易BUFF. Buying Agent Service. For Csgo / Dota2 / Pubg / Z1. Purchase game skins / tools for me from Buff163.

BUFF / buff.163.com / Buff163 / 网易BUFF. Buying Agent Service. For Csgo / Dota2 / Pubg / Z1. Purchase game skins / tools for me from Buff163.

  • Detail

    How to Top up your Buff163 Account?

    1. Login your Steam Account on buff.163.com on Computer or Laptop
    2. Select the items you want to buy and Create an order
    3. Payment Method Select Alipay or Wechat, Then there will be a QR Code, This QR Code send to my Email [email protected] or Online Chating.
    4. If your order Cost 100yuan, Then you Buy from this Page, Qty is 100coins, Then Add to Cart. If 200 CNY, Then qty is 200 coins ,Add to cart. Something like that.
    5. After you Finish order with Paypal or Credit card. I will top up your buff163 Account or Help you buy items according the QR Code you sent
    6. You will recieve Order completed Notification Once we done the Order.


    How to Top up Buff163 Account Balance with Alipay Or Wechat Pay?

    1. Login your buff.163.com Account with your Steam

    Visit buff.163.com on Computer, Login with your Steam Account. Buff163 Connect with Steam Login. After Login Buff163 Account,  Go to Right Top, Click your User name as Following Picture.

    buff163 recharge account

    2. Select the Amount you want to Top up

    3. Payment Method Select Alipay or Wechat

    4. Send Me the Qrcode of Payment.

    A following will be ok, Just send the Qrcode to our Email or Online Service

    buff163 qrcode account

    5. Make an order at this Product Page

    Please note that Order the Amount that you want to Top up. For example,If you want to Recharge 100yuan, Select the 100yuan Amount. If you want 200, Just buy the 100×2, If 3000 Recharge, Just buy 1000×3 will be ok. After that, i will scan the Qrcode to Top up for you.

    Please note that the Qrcode will be expired within 1 mins. So after you make an order,Please be quick to Send the qrcode.

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